
Submit a Play to Stage Right Theatrics
We are always looking for plays to produce, both full-length plays and short plays
For Our Annual Theatre Festival (Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2025; Deadline: 10/15/24):
Plays should be no more than 20 minutes in length and have no more than 4-5 characters (there is some wiggle room here)!
No monologues, please.
No musicals, please.
No grandiose stage or lighting effects, please. We keep it simple for the annual festival.
Please no "I am a victim" plays, conservatives suck plays, or plays that condemn the United States. We like America at Stage Right Theatrics!
Plays should adhere to the tenets of the Natural Theatre (please refer to the "What is the Natural Theatre?" page when considering a submission).
SUBMISSION FEE: $10 PER PLAY. Payable by check to "Stage Right Theatrics." Please contact us at stageright826@gmail.com for electronic payment information. THERE IS NO FEE FOR NPX OR PSH MEMBERS!
Please follow these general guidelines when submitting a play:
Scripts may be electronically submitted to stageright826@gmail.com or mailed to Stage Right Theatrics PO Box 51 Dublin, OH 43017.
Word or PDF formats only, please.
Playwrights may submit up to TWO scripts for consideration. We accept one-act and full-length plays.
We are especially interested in children's theatre!
Please have full contact information on the cover of the script.
Each script must conform to the tenets of the Natural Theatre. Please refer to the "What is the Natural Theatre?" page when considering a submission. The playwright may also submit a statement explaining how the play conforms to the tenets of the Natural Theatre, although this is optional. The plays should speak for themselves!
SUBMISSION FEE: $10 PER PLAY. Payable by check to "Stage Right Theatrics" or electronically. Please contact us at stageright826@gmail.com for electronic payment information. THERE IS NO FEE FOR NPX OR PSH MEMBERS!

Resources for Conservative Playwrights
Try these links:
A small monthly charge, but definitely worth it! This lists all kinds of opportunities for playwrights to submit their work.
A Facebook group that supports our way of thinking! They have been very supportive of me and my efforts to bring conservative theatre to the forefront.
A good source for conservative fiction. Beware! They do not post plays because plays have stage directions!?! But you can feature your plays on your own sub-page.